Profesjonalne usługi BHP dla Twojej firmy

Szkolenia, audyty, stała współpraca i doradztwo w zakresie BHP.

Szkolenia wstępne i okresowe dla pracowników.

Dokumentacja oraz audyty w zakresie BHP.

Współpraca, opieka, pomoc w wypełnianiu nakazów pokontrolnych.

Firefighters in gear actively participate in a training exercise, using fire extinguishers to control and suppress a controlled fire. Protective helmets and reflective stripes on uniforms are visible, emphasizing safety protocols.
Firefighters in gear actively participate in a training exercise, using fire extinguishers to control and suppress a controlled fire. Protective helmets and reflective stripes on uniforms are visible, emphasizing safety protocols.

O nas - Tech-Factor

Specjalizujemy się w szkoleniach BHP, audytach oraz doradztwie w zakresie bezpieczeństwa pracy. Współpracujemy z wieloma firmami tworząc w ich strukturach służbę BHP. Zapraszamy do współpracy w Białymstoku i okolicach.

Workers in orange safety clothing walk along train tracks in an industrial setting. In the background, large industrial structures with smokestacks are visible under a cloudy sky. Overhead cables and signs for pedestrian and wheelchair access are also prominent.
Workers in orange safety clothing walk along train tracks in an industrial setting. In the background, large industrial structures with smokestacks are visible under a cloudy sky. Overhead cables and signs for pedestrian and wheelchair access are also prominent.

Nasza misja

Dostarczamy rzetelne usługi BHP, pomagając firmom w utrzymaniu bezpieczeństwa w miejscu pracy. Pracujemy mobilnie i stacjonarnie po umówieniu.

Usługi BHP

Oferujemy szkolenia, audyty oraz doradztwo w zakresie bezpieczeństwa w pracy.

Three workers wearing safety helmets and protective gear stand in an industrial setting. Two of them observe while one holds a metal component near a machine involved with molten metal casting, emitting bright orange sparks. Control panels and heavy equipment are visible in the background.
Three workers wearing safety helmets and protective gear stand in an industrial setting. Two of them observe while one holds a metal component near a machine involved with molten metal casting, emitting bright orange sparks. Control panels and heavy equipment are visible in the background.
Szkolenia wstępne

Prowadzimy szkolenia wstępne oraz okresowe dla pracowników i pracodawców.

Audyty BHP

Przeprowadzamy audyty w celu oceny bezpieczeństwa w Twoim zakładzie pracy.

Doradztwo BHP

Pomagamy w wypełnianiu nakazów i wystąpień pokontrolnych oraz w dokumentacji.

Bardzo profesjonalna firma, która skutecznie pomogła nam w zakresie BHP. Gorąco polecam!


A prominently displayed safety instruction sign at a secure area entry point. It lists various rules including: port safety induction required, flashing beacon and headlights on, children not permitted, speed limit of 20km/h, no public entry, extreme caution with heavy machinery, no handheld devices, drug and alcohol-free site, specific clothing and footwear requirements, and no bicycles. Additionally, it warns of hazardous substances present, such as oxidizing and flammable agents, toxic and corrosive materials, with emergency contact information provided.
A prominently displayed safety instruction sign at a secure area entry point. It lists various rules including: port safety induction required, flashing beacon and headlights on, children not permitted, speed limit of 20km/h, no public entry, extreme caution with heavy machinery, no handheld devices, drug and alcohol-free site, specific clothing and footwear requirements, and no bicycles. Additionally, it warns of hazardous substances present, such as oxidizing and flammable agents, toxic and corrosive materials, with emergency contact information provided.


Skontaktuj się z nami

Zapraszamy do kontaktu w sprawie szkoleń i doradztwa BHP.

Two men wearing safety helmets and work gloves are observed in a work environment. One man in a white helmet is holding a cardboard box, while the other man in a yellow helmet and an orange safety vest appears to be giving instructions or guidance.
Two men wearing safety helmets and work gloves are observed in a work environment. One man in a white helmet is holding a cardboard box, while the other man in a yellow helmet and an orange safety vest appears to be giving instructions or guidance.