black and white bed linen

Bezpieczeństwo w pracy

Profesjonalne szkolenia BHP, audyty i doradztwo w zakresie bezpieczeństwa w zakładach pracy.

Doradztwo BHP

Oferujemy profesjonalne doradztwo w zakresie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy dla firm.

Audyt BHP
A bright red safety helmet is placed on a rough black surface in a construction site. The background is blurred but shows construction structures and cranes, creating an industrial atmosphere.
A bright red safety helmet is placed on a rough black surface in a construction site. The background is blurred but shows construction structures and cranes, creating an industrial atmosphere.

Przeprowadzamy audyty w celu oceny stanu bezpieczeństwa w zakładzie pracy.

A forklift with an orange body and black details is positioned near a concrete barrier with two numbered signs. The operator inside the forklift is wearing a helmet. Nearby, a person in an orange jumpsuit and white safety helmet is standing on a paved surface. The area is bordered by grass and contains metallic railings.
A forklift with an orange body and black details is positioned near a concrete barrier with two numbered signs. The operator inside the forklift is wearing a helmet. Nearby, a person in an orange jumpsuit and white safety helmet is standing on a paved surface. The area is bordered by grass and contains metallic railings.
A close-up of a safety sign with warnings and instructions, including 'Limite di sicurezza' and 'Vietato l'accesso ai non addetti'. The sign features symbols such as a hand indicating 'no access' and an icon of headphones with a message about hearing protection. The background shows an outdoor industrial setting.
A close-up of a safety sign with warnings and instructions, including 'Limite di sicurezza' and 'Vietato l'accesso ai non addetti'. The sign features symbols such as a hand indicating 'no access' and an icon of headphones with a message about hearing protection. The background shows an outdoor industrial setting.
Dokumentacja BHP

Pomagamy w sporządzaniu niezbędnej dokumentacji związanej z BHP i przepisami prawa. Oceniamy ryzyko zawodowe.

Szkolenia wstępne i okresowe.

Szkolenia BHP

Doradztwo BHP

Profesjonalne wsparcie w zakresie bezpieczeństwa w pracy.

Two workers in bright orange safety suits and helmets are using a ladder against a large white building. One worker is climbing the ladder while the other steadies it from below. The workers are equipped with safety harnesses.
Two workers in bright orange safety suits and helmets are using a ladder against a large white building. One worker is climbing the ladder while the other steadies it from below. The workers are equipped with safety harnesses.
Audyt BHP

Dokumentacja i audyty dla Twojej firmy.

A person wearing a white hard hat, safety goggles, and a bright yellow high-visibility vest is standing at a construction site. The background shows blurred construction equipment and rocky terrain, indicating an outdoor work environment.
A person wearing a white hard hat, safety goggles, and a bright yellow high-visibility vest is standing at a construction site. The background shows blurred construction equipment and rocky terrain, indicating an outdoor work environment.
Four workers are engaged in an industrial setting, possibly an oil rig or construction site. They are wearing protective clothing and helmets, surrounded by heavy machinery and equipment. The environment suggests manual labor and teamwork.
Four workers are engaged in an industrial setting, possibly an oil rig or construction site. They are wearing protective clothing and helmets, surrounded by heavy machinery and equipment. The environment suggests manual labor and teamwork.
Szkolenia BHP

Wstępne i okresowe szkolenia dla pracowników.